Saturday, January 29, 2011

Cinnamon buns and bacon...

Ethan took the day off of work tomorrow, and I am so unbelievably excited about this.

This means:

1) I get to sleep in with my husband. This never happens unless we're on vacation because he has Wednesdays and Thursdays off, and I have Saturday and Sundays off. So one of us is always leaving before the other. Someday we'll have the same off days...but until then, the days we do have where we can sleep in and lazily wake up next to each other are treasured by me.

2) I get to cook breakfast! I absolutely love to cook, and I cook dinner for us about 3-4 evenings per week, which just become the norm for us in the last six months....before then the only night we could have dinner together at home was Sunday night due to schedule conflicts. I NEVER get to cook breakfast for us. So tomorrow morning I'm making Ethan's favorite cinnamon buns (granted, they're the Pillsbury kind so all I have to do is bake them) and crispy bacon, which is kind of my specialty. I can make bacon super crispy without burning it - and Ethan loooooooves crispy bacon. I will probably make eggs too, because I'm not a fan of the cinnamon buns. I was raised on my dad's homemade cinnamon buns, so everything else just tastes like a lame attempt at it.

3) Ethan won't be as tired tomorrow and will be able to get more done, and we'll be able to go for a run together! Which also never happens. And the weather is absolutely beautiful and perfect for it this weekend.

My weekend has been nice so far....last night I was off at 8:45 PM (which NEVER happens...note the theme here...) and was in bed with Ethan by 10. I finished most of our tax return and am just waiting on one more document, which will be here in the next couple of days, I'm sure. We aren't your typical couple with the tax return...we put the whole refund straight into our retirement savings. We actually do this with any "found" or unexpected money.

This morning I slept in until 9 and then headed up to Buckhead to have my tire repaired, and then went grocery shopping. I think everyone was outside enjoying the beautiful day because the grocery store was a quick trip. I whipped up some apple cinnamon muffins for Ethan's breakfasts this week and hardboiled a bunch of eggs. I always do this on the weekends so that he has something portable for the following week since he doesn't always have time to eat if he sleeps until the last possible second...which he does often. I would too if I had to be up at 5:45 AM every morning. It's a miracle that neither of us drink coffee, honestly. I did some things around the house and then headed to Art of Touch, which is where I get massages. I've been working out quite a lot, so the massage was heaven. I bought a package of 6, and I can't wait to get my next one, which will be in 2 or 3 weeks. I try to spread them out.

Right now I'm at "work", babysitting for my Greek kids. The little girl is at a sleepover, and the 10 year old boy has a friend spending the night...right now they are playing Halo on the XBOX, so I'm merely here to be an adult presence. Not a bad way to make money...sit here and blog while being paid for my time. Ethan is working on his CPA exam prep homework right now, so I'm not missing out and am less of a distraction this way!

In other things....lots has been on my mind lately...I'm not one to go into deep and personal details about my life, but if you think of it, could you just pray for me? I could use clarity of thought and discernment for some upcoming decisions that have to be made. Thanks!

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