Monday, March 8, 2010

Yep, I did it.... in case you were wondering...

Just reporting that....

I did it! And I ran the entire time. 90 seconds of running alternating with 2 minutes of walking. I just buckled down and DID it. Trying not to think about next week.... because it's 90 seconds of running, 90 seconds of walking... THREE MINUTES OF RUNNING....and three minutes of walking. I've decided that since I am doing round one on the treadmill that I will take it outdoors in the fall. I know running outdoors is totally different (and much harder) than running on the treadmill. My reasoning is that the treadmill keeps me from slowing down or lagging off since I have to keep up my pace!

I want to brag on my husband a bit. He was sending me encouraging text messages while I was doing the session on the treadmill. He knows I don't consider myself a runner at all, and he knows I really want to be one. I married a good one. He's gone to Charlotte until Thursday night since this week is his spring break and he wanted to spend time with his family. I'll miss him but sometimes I enjoy having the house to myself!

This is a short post since I'm about to go and enjoy some dinner.... but just wanted to post and announce that I DID IT!

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