Today was.... crazy from the get go.
First things first - Baby S slept through the night from 8 PM to 6:30 AM. He awakened at around midnight crying but the crying wasn't enough for me to go in, and 30 minutes later he was back to sleep. Here's hoping for another repeat of that!
Anyway, this morning Ethan headed off to work and I was able to sleep until 8 AM - Baby S took a bottle at 6:30 and went back to sleep shortly after. F knows to get dressed and play quietly in his room until I come and get him, and E loves to play in her crib first thing in the morning. Anyway, I got up, emptied the dishwasher, packed F's lunch for his field trip that day, and gave Baby S his anti-seizure meds. Then I went and got the other two our of their rooms and we all had breakfast together. Baby S chose that moment to need a diaper change, and when I was back in his room changing it, F's carpool person came and picked him up. This is normal...he waits by the door with his backpack and then goes with them regardless of whether I'm there to say goodbye or not. Our carpool moms understand I have three kids under the age of 5 so sometimes things happen right before they come to pick him up and I can't be right there to chat for a little bit.
So all this is fine, right? Wrong. You see, F didn't have class today because his class was meeting at a nature center about 40 miles north of here for a special field trip. We had arranged with another mother of a classmate for her to pick him up and take him. Sooo.... F is gone, and the right mom shows up to get him... and he's not there. She said "Well, I can't be late, so I'm sorry" and then left. I'm wondering just exactly where F is at this point due to the fact that neither of his teachers are actually AT the school. So... in typical supernanny fashion, I jumped into my clothes, googled the directions to the nature center, grabbed my at-the-ready diaper bag (seriously, it's always ready to go with everything - I check it and replenish it at the end of every day) and got my two younger ones in the car. Drove to F's school and ran in to find that he had been sent to the two year old class for the day. One of the teachers went to fetch him for me and once he was locked and loaded in the car I set out driving on the interstate to get to the nature center. We made it right on the dot as the group was about to leave with their tour guide. The mother that had was supposed to take him apologized for not going to the school to get him since she and her daughter ended up being 20 minutes early and would have had the time to get him . I sweetly told her not to worry about it, and she offered to bring him home afterwards, which I accepted gratefully. It would not have been the most fun to walk around for three hours with the two younger ones during their naptimes. So we drove back home and my friend Dawn came over with her three month old and 3 year old charges. We had fun playing with the kids, and had lunch together as well. When F came home, he played with Hayden in the backyard and Dawn and I were able to just chat and catch up while keeping a watchful eye on the kids. As you moms know, being alone with children day in and day out with little to no adult interaction can be taxing. Nannies and governesses have the same issues, so I have a circle of friends that I get together with for the purpose of our kids playing together and for us to have some adult conversation. It's also nice to be able to go to places like the Zoo and have another person there to watch the kids for a couple of minutes if you need to use the restroom, etc. We support each other much like moms do.
Anyway, Dawn and her kids left aorund 5 and I set about making breakfast-at-dinner. F and I had been to the Farmer's Market on Wednesday and had bought a loaf of French brioche just for tonight. I whipped up the French toast batter and had a plateful of french toast slices and bacon. F&E went to TOWN and polished most of it off. Tonight was the first time E has used a fork for its purpose...she was extremely proud of herself as she stabbed each piece and fed it to herself. Next mission: spoon and yogurt...with a towel on the floor and nothing but a diaper. Maybe we'll try that tomorrow....
After dinner, I set the alarm for the house (it's quite a large house and I like to have the alarm on at the end of the day just in case) and we played for a while before heading to the bathtub. E gets super excited about bathtime and grabs her empty water pail and tosses it into the empty tub. I reach to turn on the water...and the alarm goes off.
Now, I'm not a "panicker". This means that while I may feel inwardly frightened and want to scream like a little girl and run, I do not. I remain calm and composed. "Oh my! The alarm is going off guys! I think we need to go outside for a little bit." So we get outside and wait for thirty minutes before the police show up to do a sweep of the house. All was clear, and it was determined that E throwing her pail into the tub set off the "glass shatter" function of the alarm in their jack and jill bathroom. Whew. I was definitely relieved to have a definite REASON why the alarm went off. After the police left, we headed back inside and I gave them their baths and got them to bed... late...but oh well.
So, now I'm sitting here on a Friday night at 8:30 with not much to do! The house is literally in perfect condition with not a toy askew, the dishes are already done as I ran the dishwasher right after dinner, the trash is taken out, and the laundry is finished. So....I guess I'll go to bed! Tomorrow is another day, and I'm sure it will be a busy one!
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