Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The sweet sound of silence....

Today was incredibly busy and filled with running around getting everything done, lunch at Chic-Fil-A with the kids and Ethan, a long trip up to the northern end of the Perimeter to get medical records from the old pediatrician's office for our appointment tomorrow so we can get the necessary immunization forms for summer camp and school registration in the fall, a stop at Michael's to properly equip our art room, swim lesson for Finn at the YMCA, dinner, baths, etc.....

But now they're all in bed and sleeping soundly. And the house, for once, is quiet. Three kids under the age of 5 make for a pretty crazy (albeit wonderful!) existence! I wouldn't have it any other way.

E went down first at 6:45, F went down at 8, and Baby S just went down 5 minutes ago after greedily sucking down 9 ounces. I'm hoping he sleeps until at least 4 AM.... but we shall see. I should go to bed but I'm waiting for Ethan to get here since he has class on Wednesdays until 9:45 PM. He won't be here until 10:15 or so.

Spoke too soon! Here he is!

Time for snuggles with my favorite person.

I'll post tomorrow.

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